Wednesday 29 August 2012

Research : Dane Cook

So when I started my research on stand-up comedy I came across Dane Cook. The name wasn't exactly unknown to me nor its well-known. I came across him from a movie a couple of years back and it is a PG18 movie titled "Good Luck Chuck". I advice you to not watch it if you're the type to feel uneasy with explicit contents, but otherwise the movie was good. So this Dane Cook guy is actually an american stand-up comedian and has released several comedy albums.

I took a look at some of his videos to get some inspiration on the upcoming Stand-up Comedy Assignment, and boy was he good!

I realised through the videos he tend to interact more with jokes that relates to people, jokes that actually make sense and that it happens in our everyday life. There was this show on "The friend Nobody Likes" and when he voices out the thoughts that people are actually thinking when they're not talking, is the best part of it all. (Scroll down to the end of the post to listen to the podcast version) It suddenly makes a lot of sense, that we all think the same thing but act the other way round. We all know the same thing but decides to be oblivious about it. The intonation of his voice are what highlights the point of his whole comedic story and he just goes with who he is.

I think its very important that we connect who we are to what we're doing, to how we should be able to reach out to an audience. If we can't be true to the people around us then we as aspiring designers would have a really really hard time trying to fit in with the rest of the world. This time it may be comedy but in the future we'd have a larger array of expectations to meet, a larger crowd to please.

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