Wednesday 17 October 2012

Creating my icon

Sorry this post came about late and way overdue, but its finally here..!

My step by step process on creating my icon.
I have chosen to portray my icon through clothes and adding pastel and neon elements to it.
I started out with a plain white t-shirt, and snipping off the sleeves to create a sleeveless top which are popular in the grunge scene. tumblr_m3xzm3ven51qgoaugo1_1280.jpg 
(source of images unknown)

I then painted on the head of an unicorn with pastel pink and purple onto the shirt. I chose to paint a unicorn is because of the superheroes assignment we had in Creative Thinking Skills class in semester 1, that I was Ice Vendetta : The Unicorn Warrior. I thought it would be nice to relate what I've done previously to the present assignment. And because unicorns look really good in pastel colours.

When its drying up.. Also, in my opinion, to match something really princessy or "magical" in a way to the grunge style is something I find interesting and relates best to the style I'm trying to show.

The end product. I have also painted diamonds at the neck of the unicorn in black and neon pink, as well as droplets of inverted ice creams in earthy and neon colours.

Close up shots.

Well the whole idea branched out when I thought of the kind of style that I like, that I would go with. As I personally really like girly but not-so-girly things, or should I put it as girly but edgy style, I try to incorporate the two of them together. I like cute desserts hence I drew them on as part of my icon, but my icon doesn't just end there. It is not something cute and girly, and it does not play the role by itself. It serves as a main character to the whole icon figure so it requires other elements to create the whole style.

What I'm trying to say is that, my icon are made up of small little details but with a main element. As I picked a shirt to depict that, a shirt wouldn't be complete as a style on its own isn't it? So here are a few ways I would pair up my shirt in order to create the whole "style" or to complete my icon.

And there you have it, my icon as my style.

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